Deploying react application to firebase
In this tutorial iam gonna explain you how you can deploy you react application to firebase
Step 1: Create a Firebase Project
Go to and click on Get Started
Proceed to click on Create a project.
Enter a project name and check yes if you wish to add analytics to your project.
Wait for the project to be created.
Step 2: Create react app or move to next step if you have already created one
npx create-react-app firebase-app
Step 3: Deploying to firebase
Run below command this will install firebase tool globally
npm install -g firebase-tools
Once firebase tool installed, Go to your react project folder path and run below command
//this is the command to authenticate firebase cli with firebase you can skip if you have already authenticated firebase login firebase init
After running above command you will see some options to select select the option as described below in screen shot
- Once above step completed run command
npm run build
firebase deploy